Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Am not against the abortion but......

Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said that "the fruits of abortion are nuclear war." She was indicating that the complete disrespect for life, especially the lives of the unborn, would bring about a nuclear war... not only it will take life but also live far more dangerous effects...

More from Mother Teresa: "Abortion is really a war against the child, and I hate the killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that the mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?"

I am not against the abortion, it becomes a must in case of rape where the mother will certainly not want to bring the child in the earth to remember again and again the agony, suffering of that heinous act of a dirty man, or when the child unborn is diagnosed with sum extreme abnormalities, that may trouble him for life or where the chances of survival of child is less etc...

But in general I am against the killing of an unborn child, there are a no of precautions available, and nearly all of us are aware of them. Government provides them free at the government run hospitals. So it is better to use them instead of using killing as a mean of controlling population...

Now a day’s life becomes more challenging and to provide children with better education you need a lot of money. We preplan every thing in our life... so it is better to plan in advance that how many children we are going to have and how much difference we are supposed to have in between them. It is far better to plan in advance than after the child get conceived in womb.

Abortion as we know is the prime reason behind the unbalancing male-female ratio in many regions of our country. It is better to stop abortion on consensus of public than by forcing by law.

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