Tuesday, September 16, 2008

CP: only exempted for Pe....

It is a very old debate that whether capital punishment should be abolished or not. Sum people are in favor, sum in against of it. I am always against it as a mean to establish law. It never solves any problem with the society. The biggest problem is that, if after execution we finds that the person is innocent, we failed to deliver the correct verdict or the evidence are manipulated, or evidences failed to come in sight at right time resulting in erroneous judgment, we have left with no way to correct it.

Also the very much virtue of our life…. Ahimsa is against us killing someone to avenge some misdeeds.

So what I think that Capital punishment should be abolished in all cases except one….. Pedophiles……

These people have no right to live because they have hardly any chance to change or we have nothing to detect that they are now changed. Also they not only makes life of a person hell but also left him to suffer for life… a life not better than Hell… have gone through recent surveys … a maximum of prostitutes are victims of child sexual abuse so the criminals and persons engaged in unlawful activities. Therefore the person responsible for all this certainly deserves CP…. That too in full public view…..

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